Sarah Theobald-Hall is a visual artist based in Dallas, Texas. She maintains a studio in the Cedars neighborhood. Previously, she shared studio space at the Continental Gin during its final chapter as a beloved art complex.


Sarah’s work explores familiar territory with an acute sense of the unfamiliar & weird. This unfamiliarity is partly achieved with brushwork that calls attention to itself, eschewing a slick representation. To her, a painting succeeds if it creates space for viewers to explore the edges of their own unfamiliar weirdness. Using direct observation, she experiments with a variety of objects to paint still life works, some of which merge with collectively understood emblems like the peace sign. Her work has often been termed “juicy.” She paints figures with the same exuberant brushwork, but with a moodier palette to deepen their emotional layers.

Recent Shows

Axis Gallery, 18th Annual Juried Show, Sacramento, CA

Expo 2022, 500x Gallery, Dallas
Summer Sips, Love Texas Art, Fort Worth

For more work, please visit my Artwork Archive profile.